Friday, 5 December 2008

The Final Push for Yes Voters: Can You Help?

by Christine McLaughlin

The deadline for votes for the TIF proposals to massively improve public transport and ease congestion across Greater Manchester is fast approaching. The Trafford Green Party supports the Yes Campaign, but would like to see the proposals go further. Visit our website to find out more.

In the meantime, there are various campaigning activities you can get involved in if you want to make a real difference to the lives of people who use roads in and around Greater Manchester.

I’ve lifted the following directly from an email from Kevin Peel, founder of the Go! Greater Manchester campaign:

“We're nearing the end of the campaign and we need your help now more than ever. Turnout so far has been unbelievably low. Anecdotal evidence suggests that no voters will have voted early on and yes voters will vote later, if at all. The low turnout figures suggest 2 things - the first is that the no campaign have nowhere near as much support as they thought they did and the second is that getting out the vote now is of the utmost importance. All those people yet to fill out their ballot papers are natural yes voters, we just need to remind them what they're getting from this deal and what they stand to lose if apathy wins the day... and then get them to bloody fill out the form and send it back!!

Here's a round up of what you can do to help over the next few days:

Friday 5th December

GO! campaigners will be out tomorrow evening from about 4.30 at key transport hubs in Bury and really need your help. Call Gill Campbell if you want to go and help them.
Saturday 6th December

Campaigners will be out all day right across the city centre. You can help out at any time between 11am and 4pm for as much or as little time as you want - do an hour before your shopping! Call Jim Battle to find out more.

Monday 8th December
This really is the final battle! We need EVERYONE to descend on Manchester City Centre from 4pm onwards to help us get out and reach as many people we can at the bus stops, tram stops and train stations across the city centre. We'll be meeting in the reception area at the Lloyd Street entrance to Manchester Town Hall at 4pm and heading out at 4.15, however you can join us later on if you can't make that time. Just give me a call or contact Jim Battle.

Finally, there is still plenty of phone canvassing to be done and you can go in to the Yes office off Deansgate to do this at any point between 8am and 8pm. Contact Claire Nangle.

WE REALLY NEED YOUR HELP PEOPLE! This is it - how many people we can get to fill out their ballot paper over the next few days WILL determine the outcome of this referendum. Do you want more congestion, dirtier air and a public transport system ready to collapse, or do you want to make all forms of transport, including cars, better for everyone, with massive investment in new buses, trams and trains? It's bizarre that we even need to be asking the question but ask it we must and it's up to you to help us get a resounding YES from the people of Greater Manchester.”

It’s not mentioned on the email, but from another source I can reveal there will be complimentary mulled wine and mince pies at KRO Piccadilly from 6.30pm onwards. I’m working on Saturday but I’m definitely going into town on Monday to do/ eat and drink what I can.

Most of the contact numbers for the above are personal mobile numbers, so I’ve taken them out to avoid disgruntled Hummer drivers lashing out when they lose the vote; if you need a contact number you can message me through this blog or on Facebook via the Trafford Green Party group.

Good luck to anyone who’s participating in the campaign and remember, the most important thing you can do is vote YES.

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